Space of the Week: The Ultimate Breakfast Patio

Doesn’t this picture just make you sigh with envy? This gorgeous Italian villa is located on the island of Capri, just off the coast from Naples, Italy. An island known for the sapphire blue skies and endless ocean views, it is hard to think of a perfect setting for spending a summer.

Fabrizia Frezza Architecture & Interiors

The villa was designed by Italian designer Fabrizia Frezza. While the entire space is stunning, the gorgeous view this breakfast nook affords is that which really made my jaw drop. White archways provide a little bit of shelter and shade, but apart from that the table is available to the atmosphere on this cement tile patio. Low landscaping and walls allow for a clear view of the ocean whilst sitting at the table. The built-in seat makes for the best place to sit in the sun with a fantastic book after having a big breakfast.

Watch more of this stunning villa and tell us: Where could you spend most of your time?

Fabrizia Frezza Architecture & Interiors

Fabrizia Frezza Architecture & Interiors

Fabrizia Frezza Architecture & Interiors

Fabrizia Frezza Architecture & Interiors

Fabrizia Frezza Architecture & Interiors

Fabrizia Frezza Architecture & Interiors

Fabrizia Frezza Interiors & Architecture

Fabrizia Frezza Architecture & Interiors

I’ll let myself another sigh of envy… Someone take me today, please?

Next: Browse more Mediterranean-style home photographs

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