Few things leading the powerful flavor of a vine-ripened, homegrown tomato. A relatively easy crop for a home gardener to develop, tomatoes are available in many distinct colors and kinds. Tomato plants have also different growth habits, including some that are known as indeterminate because they develop without pause, getting increasingly taller and producing fruit during the season.
Early Producers
Like most of tomato crops, indeterminate varieties grow as vines. However, this type of plant keeps growing, with vines wrap and setting fruit all year long. This type contains three flower clusters in every moment leaf, with each blossom capable of developing into fruit, so they have a tendency to be heavy tomato producers. Some indeterminate varieties have been developed for fruit that ripens particularly early. These include “Ancient Cascade,” a trailing plant having big clusters of small fruits ready to harvest in about 55 days. Another variety, “Ancient Girl,” has bigger, 5-ounce sized tomatoes that are ready for picking in about 54 days. “Quick Pick,” a slightly after maker, has heavy crops of 4-ounce strawberries in around 60 days.
Beefsteak Types
Some indeterminate varieties are noted because of their steep tomatoes, commonly called beefsteak tomatoes and excellent for slicing. “Beefmaster” is a fantastic instance, producing large, 1- to 2-pound tomatoes that often have a flattened oval shape. Another cultivar, known as “Supersteak,” has equally large tomatoes that are additional meaty with fewer seeds and pulp, while “Delicious” has tomatoes that are about 1 pound each. All 3 varieties have a tendency to grow up more slowly than those with smaller fruits, producing ripe tomatoes in around 80 days.
Tiny Fruits
Certain indeterminate tomato plants produce especially tiny fruits that are valued for chips and other uses that are fresh. A single plant may produce hundreds of strawberries over a very long ripening season, which makes this type especially productive and versatile. Good examples include “Super Sweet 100,” a variety that produces 1-inch tomatoes in about 70 days. “Sweet Million” is even more productive, as its name suggests, with extremely large clusters of cherry-sized, sweet red tomatoes appearing in about 65 days. Another indeterminate plant called “Yellow Pear” has miniature, 1-inch yellow fruits that are shaped like pears and ready to harvest about 70 days after transplanting.
Unusual Varieties
Numerous indeterminate tomato varieties have fruit that is unusual in color or kind. As an instance, “Yellow Stuffer” includes 4-ounce, lemon-yellow tomatoes that are multi-lobed, shaped like raspberries and semi-hollow, which makes them easy to stuff. “Long Keeper” has orange tomatoes with orange flesh streaked with red. As its name suggests, this variety stores well after picking, often remaining edible for several weeks. “White Wonder” has connections with white skin and flesh, each weighing about 8 ounces, while “Evergreen” has fruits with green skin and flesh that stay bright green when ripe. “Brandywine,” an heirloom variety, has big, pink-skinned tomatoes renowned for their sweet, low-acid flavor. These varieties all produce fruit in 75 to 85 days after transplanting.